was established to promote trade in the Pulp & Paper, Printing and Packaging Industries.

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Equipment Directory

The Equipment Directory contains a list of the companies which manufacture (OEM) and/or sell new equipment, and companies involved in the sales and service of used equipment. The Directory also includes companies that provide industry related products and services. The Directory is organized by Equipment Type / or Service Name and by Company Name (listed alphabetically).

Equipment Finder In addition, provides an EQUIPMENT FINDER SERVICE, which can be used to locate the specific new equipment or parts you need. The Equipment Finder Service is a free service provided by

*  Equipment Directory
*  Company Name Index (organized alphabetically)

*  Equipment Directory

* A Web Services
* Adhesives and Sealants
* Advisors / Consultants / Consulting Engineers
* Agitators
* Air Systems / Pneumatics / Air Compressors
* Auctioneers
* Automated Unattended Entry Stations
* Bags ~ Plastic / Paper / Fiber
* Bale Breakers & Dewiring Systems
* Balers
* Baling Equipment
* Baling Wire
* Batch Printing Machines
* Bearings
* Belt Press
* Binders
* Bindery
* Blenders (Stock)
* Blowers - Paper
* Bottle Printing / Labeling Machines
* Card Printing Equipment
* Cartridge Refilling / Remanufacturing Systems
* Casters, Wheels and Glides
* Chemicals & Chemical Supplies
* Cleaners
* Cleaners - High Density
* Coil Cars
* Compressors
* Containers / Carts & Bins on Wheels
* Containers / Rolloffs / Luggers / F.E.L.
* Continuous Form Laser Printers
* Converting
* Conveyors & Conveyor Parts
* Core Cutters
* Corrugators
* Crane
* Cutting Machines
* Deflakers & Parts
* Deinking Equipment
* Dewireing Machine
* Digester Valves
* Dock Equipment
* Drivers (Pulpers)
* Dryer Can Heads
* Dryer Cans
* Dust Collection / Environmental Ventilation Equipment
* Electrical Motors
* Event Coordinators
* Filtering Equipment
* Financing Services
* Flat Screen Printing Machines
* Flexographic Printing Equipment
* Foil Stamping
* Fork Lift Trucks (New)
* Gear Reducer
* Generators
* Generators (Steam & Diesel)
* Grapples & Buckets
* Grinders (all types)
* Grinders, Knife
* Guillotines
* Hammermills
* Headboxs
* High Resolution Printing Equipment
* Hogs
* Hydrafiner
* Hydraulic Pumps,Cylinders & Controls
* Impact Printers
* Industrial Doors & Roll Ups
* Instrumentation
* Investor Relations Services
* Jordans
* Knives / Blades / Hammers
* Knotters
* Labelers
* Laboratory & Testing Services
* Laminating
* Laser Cutting Machines
* Laser Printing Equipment
* Machine - Wet Lap
* Machines - Newsprint
* Machines - Paper
* Machines - Tissue
* Maintenance & Repairs
* Mixers (High Sheer & Liquids)
* Mixers (Pulp)
* Mobile Document Shredding Equipment
* Offset Press
* Offset Printing Machine
* Other Equipment
* Packaging / Bagging
* Pad Printing Equipment
* Paper & Box Manufacturing Equipment
* Paper Manufacturing Equipment
* Paper Printing Machines
* Point of Sale (POS) Printing Equipment
* PreCoat Filters
* Prepress
* Press
* Printing Equipment (Manual)
* Printing Rollers
* Promotional Products & Advertising Specialties
* Public Relations Services
* Pulp Machine (Feltless)
* Pulper Drives
* Pulpers - Batch
* Pumps
* Pumps - Thick Stock
* Pumps - Vacuum
* Record Storage
* Refiners / Disc.
* Refiners Conical
* Reprographic Printing Equipment
* Rewinders
* Roll Dandy
* Roll Felt (Doctor)
* Roll Kickers
* Roll Press
* Roll Spliters
* Roll Upenders
* Rolling Stock
* Rotary Printing Machinery
* Rotogravure Printing Machine
* Safety Supplies
* Scales & Weighing Equipment
* Screen Printing Equipment
* Screens / Pressure
* Screens / Vibrating
* Screw Press
* Security Fencing Services
* Security Printing Equipment
* Seminars, Education & Training
* Sheeters
* Shredders
* Shredders ~ Office Paper & Document Shredding Equipment
* Sign Printing Equipment
* Signs & Decals
* Silk Screening Equipment
* Software Services / Computer Programming
* Sorting Systems
* Stamping
* Stationary Supplies
* Steam Turbines
* Strapping & Tying
* Supercalendars
* Tanks/Storage Bins
* Thermal Printing Equipment
* Thermostatic Printing Equipment
* Thickeners & Parts
* Ticket Printing Equipment
* Trailers
* Trimmers
* Trucks (Cabs, Chasis & Truck Bodies)
* Typesetting Equipment
* Unwinds
* Valves
* Washers & Parts
* Woodyard Equipment
* Wordsmithing & Writing Services

*  Company Name Index (organized alphabetically)

* A
* B
* C
* D
* E
* F
* G
* H
* I
* J
* K
* L
* M
* N
* O
* P
* Q
* R
* S
* T
* U-V
* W
* X-Y-Z
* Other
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Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 07:35:11 EST